A horror story entailing a boy who is excited for a visit from the tooth fairy.

(Currently in production)

Tooth Be Told


Concept thumbnail

The Tooth Fairy Factory

After being captured by the tooth fairy, Sammy becomes courageous and ventures through an eerie factory riddled with malformed fairies to find his missing teddy

Portal sequence pitch

Sammy is launched through a portal with shooting bright lights contrasting with the eerie room that he lands in. A fallen teddy guides Sammy’s eyes towards a dumbwaiter. He wonders where it leads.

After falling into a portal Sammy hides in a dumbwaiter that automatically activates, taking Sammy to the fairy factory floor. (Final boards).

Sammy attempts to escape after discovering a room of gummy children and a fairy extracting teeth on a dentist chair. The chase begins. (Final draft)

Storyboard Renders and Layout Development

Chase sequence pitch

Bringing my initial beatboards to storyboard pro, defining pace and atmosphere.

Evil Tooth Fairy - Design Process


Story by Sarah Enright.

Script written by Sarah Enright and Andrew Guilding


Life Drawing

